NFT Tech Conference 2022 Winter
Video recordings

Hours of content

Conference program
NFT Today & Tomorrow
09:30–10:00 a.m.
09:30–10:00 a.m.
10:00–10:45 a.m.
10:00–10:45 a.m.
NFT Ecosystem: Net New Economy
Katrina Chua Ginsburg
Understanding the opportunities in this nascent space and how to participate in it.
10:45–11:30 a.m.
10:45–11:30 a.m.
How CasperLabs is transforming NFTs into industrial applications that connect the physical and digital world
Ashok Ranadive
12:15–1:00 p.m.
12:15–1:00 p.m.
Keeping NFTs Legal
James Gatto
One of the hottest technologies is blockchain and one of the hottest applications of blockchain is non-fungible tokens (NFTs). However, there many legal issues arise with NFTs. This session will address an array of legal issues that can arise with NFTs, including securities law, anti-money laundering, tax and other financial regulatory issues; unique considerations of patents, trademarks and other IP protection, monitoring and enforcement; NFT licensing; gambling and more.
1:00–1:45 p.m.
1:00–1:45 p.m.
Onboarding No coiners into NFT businesses
Bux Khurana
As someone who runs a Non profit to promote the spirit of NFTs, I see the challenges no coiners face when entering the NFT mania. I will provide a comprehensive guide on how to convert them into paying customers.
2:30–3:15 p.m.
2:30–3:15 p.m.
Secret Topic
Michael Huynh
3:15–4:00 p.m.
3:15–4:00 p.m.
Secret Topic
Moish Eli Peltz
4:00–4:15 p.m.
4:00–4:15 p.m.
Conference Closing
NFT Tech
09:30–10:00 a.m.
09:30–10:00 a.m.
10:00–10:45 a.m.
10:00–10:45 a.m.
Tech & Product challenges and solutions of NFT launches
Taras Filatov
Taras will take us for a quick tour over technical and product problems and solutions he and his team have dealt with in Q4 2021 / early 2022 preparing and launching NFT mints. A content intensive mix covering multiple topics from solving randomization to metaverse-ready NFTs.
10:45–11:30 a.m.
10:45–11:30 a.m.
Social 3.0: the building blocks are here to reshape the internet
Sofiane Delloue
12:15–1:00 p.m.
12:15–1:00 p.m.
NFT adoption is imminent across all industries. Heres why..
Andy Crosby
1:00–1:45 p.m.
1:00–1:45 p.m.
Unlocking the potential of web3
Chris Gale
This talk will explore what what the metaverse hype is about and how NFTs are fast becoming a part of our culture.
1:45–2:30 p.m.
1:45–2:30 p.m.
Protecting intellectual property via NFT
Vandana Taxali
NFTs - definitions:
- NFT and IP Overview.
- Why NFTs are valuable.

NFT IP Infringement Cases / Fakes and Counterfeits:
- Metaberkin.
- Basquiat.
- etc.

NFT Fakes and Counterfeits on Platforms:
- Opensea issue.
- Washtrading.
- Other NFT scams and hacks to watch out for.

How to Buy an Authentic NFT and what to look for:
- How to purchase an NFT safely.

What do you get when purchasing an NFT:
- How to determine what rights you are getting on purchase.

Best Practices for Addressing IP Rights and Infringement:
- Copyright registers.
- Terms of Service.
- DMCA and Notice and Notice.
2:30–3:15 p.m.
2:30–3:15 p.m.
Marketing for NFT and Crypto projects
Den Manu
How to find your customer, how to promote projects, what channels to use, how to build community
3:15–3:30 p.m.
3:15–3:30 p.m.
Conference Closing